How to Join Pack 100
How to register a Cub Scout new to BSA
As of Fall 2023
Registration requires:
Complete an application to Pack 100 online here or scan the QR code to the right.
If for some reason the direct link above is not working, go to
Enter the Westford zip code 01886 and then click on the Cub Scout icon for grades K-5
Press the blue button to "Find a Unit"
Pack 100 usually is first in the list as "Pack 0100 Westford Rotary Club Inc."
Registering with the BSA
You'll first be prompted to create an account and then start registering your child
The site will collect national and council fees
You have the option of subscribing to Scout Life magazine at this time ($15, encouraged because the kids enjoy it)
This does not include Pack dues of $50 (see below)
Turn in a BSA Health Form Parts A&B for your Scout
These need to be printed and require a wet signature (sign with blue or black ink please). We cannot accept or safely store electronic copies. The three key pieces of information you'll need from the Pack are:
Unit Leader, Karen Andresen (for this form)
Karen's Number (617-290-7310)
Council #: 227; Unit #: 100
Sign Page A
Sign Page B2, the medications section, if you don't wish your child to receive any medications, mark no and don't list any medications
You may turn these in at our annual Cubmobile event, to your Den Leader, or at a Pack Meeting.
Paying fees & Dues:
You will have paid National fees and Council's fees when you registered online. You do not need to pay these to the Pack again this year. In subsequent years when you renew your membership, your National and Council dues will be due on the anniversary of your registration.
Pack 100 Dues $50 - This was voted upon at the June 2020 Committee Meeting and has not increased in 4 years. Pack Dues cover the cost of providing the program to your Scout such as beltloops or pins, Pinewood Derby Kits, and other items. Pack Dues should be paid at the start of every school year in September or at the Cubmobile event (at the latest).
The preferred method to pay dues is by personal check . Please include the names of all Scouts for whom you are paying dues on the memo line of your personal check payable to "Westford Pack 100".
Purchase your Cub Scout's uniform and handbook
For indoor meetings we wear the traditional blue uniform you've probably seen; this includes a navy blue (or tan for 5th grade AOL Scouts) button down shirt, rank-specific neckerchief and slide, belt (where Cub Scouts display their achievements in the form of belt loops for each completed adventure), and rank-specific hat. The Pack has purchased in bulk "100" patches (vs. buying "1", "0", "0") as well as council strips that say "Westford" on them. Both patches go on the uniform and we sell them at cost (~$6 each).
For outdoor meetings we wear a pack T-shirts. Each Scout receives their first Pack t-shirt for free; if you need a new t-shirt or would like additional shirts for family members, they are $20. If your Scout outgrows their Class B t-shirt, we are happy to exchange a shirt in good condition for a larger size.
While we manage advancement in an online tool, the directions and supporting background for all of the achievements is in a Cub Scout Handbook. (Note: Amazon does offer Scout handbooks and gear; however, it is often more expensive than the Scout Store. If you reach out, we may have gently used hand-me-downs that will work for you or someone in the pack may be going by the store in Woburn and can coordinate picking up needed items.)
We're here to help, just reach out.
How to transfer a Cub Scout from another Pack to Pack 100
You can join Pack 100 at any time!
To transfer a Cub Scout into Pack 100,
Log in to your account on
Navigate to "My Applications"
Click the button to "Transfer" next to your Scout's name
In the drop down for Unit Type, select "Pack"
In the field for Unit Number, type "100"
Follow the prompts on the screen to initiate the transfer
Turn in a BSA Health Form Parts A&B for your Scout. These need to be printed and require a wet signature (sign with blue or black ink please). The three key pieces of information you'll need:
Unit Leader, Karen Andresen (for this form); Karen's Number(617-290-7310); and council #, 227, unit #100.
Sign Page A
Sign Page B2, the medications section, if you don't wish your child to receive any medications, mark no and don't list any medications
Pay fees & Dues:
Effective Fall of 2024 all Scouts will re-register with the BSA directly by their anniversary date. You may pay National and Council dues online at that time. Unfortunately we cannot accept paper applications or payments to the Pack; BSA registration must be current online.
Pack 100 Dues $50 (no change for 4 years). This fee covers core Pack 100 costs (e.g., awards, Pinewood Derby Kits and Cubmobile).
Optional Scout Life Magazine $15 (no increase from 2022) - Isaac's boys love it, especially the comics and jokes in the back (one per family is recommended)
You must pay National dues online directly to BSA. The preferred method to pay dues to the Pack is by personal check. Please include the names of all Scouts for whom you are paying dues on the memo line of your personal check payable to "Westford Pack 100". Please provide proof of BSA registration before paying Pack dues.
You should have your uniform - Here's what we further offer:
If you need "100" for the pack number, we have a single patch available (~$6)
If you need a new council strip, we have patches (~$6)
For outdoor meetings we wear a pack T-shirts. Each Scout receives their first Pack t-shirt for free; if you need a new t-shirt or would like additional shirts for family members, they are $20. If your Scout outgrows their Class B t-shirt, we are happy to exchange a shirt in good condition for a larger size.