Annual Renewal for Current Pack Members
Calendar Year Membership Renewals for current members:
In 2023, the BSA has announced changes the registration and re-chartering process. As of Fall 2024, your renewal will move ONLINE directly with the BSA.
Starting 2 months before your anniversary date, you will begin receiving emails from "Boy Scouts of America" regarding your membership renewal. For Scouts who joined prior to 2023, your anniversary is 12/31. You are eligible to renew starting on November 1st. Please be on the lookout for the emails from the BSA; the only way to re-register your Scout is online.
Please follow the instructions in the email. Please note that as of Fall 2024, re-registration could not be done on a phone. Other tips:
The prefered browser is Google Chrome
It is best to clear your browser history (cache) before logging in (or use incognito mode)
Go to
Use the same user name and password that you used to register your Scout. Can't remember? Follow the prompts to reset!
Your Scout's membership is tied to the email address you used when you first registered! If you are encountering technical difficulties, please reach out to the Pack.
Registration for the coming season requires:
Renew with the BSA online BEFORE your membership expires. The registration window opens 60 days prior to the anniversary of your registration.
Pay National and Council dues online; please notify the Pack if this presents any hardship as scholarships may be available.
Turn in Medical Forms Parts A & B to the Pack by your first overnight event of the season or Cubmobile (whichever comes first). These must be printed as hard copies and re-submitted each new season (school year) before a Scout may participate in any overnight excursions or Cubmobile.
Pay Pack 100 Dues $50 (no change in 4+ years) directly to the Pack. This fee covers core Pack 100 costs (e.g., awards, Pinewood Derby Kits and Cubmobile).
Note: siblings that are brand-new to Scouting will need to register online through the BSA as new members before they will appear on the Pack 100 roster. Please follow the directions on the How to Join page.
The preferred method to pay dues to the Pack is by personal check payable to "Westford Pack 100" to our treasurer at a Pack meeting. Please include the names of all Scouts for whom you are paying dues on the memo line of your personal check.
Thank you!