Camping and Overnight Outings

Cub Scout Camping

When you think of Scouting, you probably picture tent camping! Pack 100 enjoys the great outdoors and we plan family-centric tent camping at least twice per season. Traditionally, we schedule a campout in the early Fall (October) and another in the late Spring (June).

Pack campouts are beginner-friendly and include your entire family! While overnight camping is an optional activity and Scouts are not required to attend, these campouts are planned close-by, at approved locations with appropriate facilities, and are age-appropriate. If you do not own camping gear, please contact the Pack and we can help you borrow equipment before you make any investments!

We commit to always following BSA guidelines for safe camping.

Wondering how to prepare for a Pack Campout? Here is a suggested packing list.

We follow all BSA guidelines including:

Setting up your campsite:

When setting up your tent, you will want to make sure that you put safety first! We will avoid hazard trees and follow weather protocols.

This article will also give you some tips on setting up your tent comfortably in an ideal location (hint: flat ground with soft ground cover like pine needles will both protect your tent and make for more comfortable sleeping).

Overnight Outings

During the winter months, Pack 100 may also schedule overnight events for indoor camping at locations such as the Museum of Science or Battleship Cove. These events allow us to continue practicing the Scout Law protected from unpredictable New England weather!

All BSA guidelines and youth protection policies still apply for indoor overnights.