Pack Meetings and Calendar

Monthly Pack Meetings

Pack 100 traditionally meets the first Friday night of each month at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria at Abbot School in Westford.  Pack meetings are an opportunity to come together with all dens and Scouts at each rank and age.  We use this time to recognize the achievements of our Scouts both individually and as a group.  This is also a forum to share information about upcoming events and provide programs.  Participating in the monthly Pack meeting allows Scouts to understand that their den is part of a larger organization.

Planned 2024-25 Events, Community Service, Outings, and Overnights:












Summer 2025:

Pack Committee 

To make Cub Scouting work it takes a team made up of each Cub Scout’s parent or guardian and other caring adults who agree to take on roles that best fit their individual talents.  Together this team makes up the Pack Committee.

The Pack Committee Chair is appointed by the Chartered Organization (Westford Rotary Club) to oversee the Pack Committee as they provide support to Den Leaders to ensure a quality program. 

While any adult in the Pack is encouraged to attend, we ask that you do not bring children to the meeting. If this is not possible, let us know so that we can arrange an activity to entertain your child during the meeting.

The Pack 100 Committee meets once per month to coordinate upcoming events, ensure our adult leaders have needed resources, and make sure our Scouts are receiving the best program that we can deliver. Our Committee will meet on the following dates in 2024-25:

Hike with Pack 100

Escape the indoors!  Pack 100 will host family hiking regularly throughout the year - we do our best to get outside even in the winter months as long as conditions are safe.

Tentative Hikes: