Pack Organization
We are Pack 100 which is part of the West Wind District. The West Wind District is one of six districts in Northeastern Massachusetts. These districts are all part of the Spirit of Adventure Council which serves the greater Boston area. The Spirit of Adventure Council is the largest BSA Council in Massachusetts.
Scouting districts all belong to a council. BSA has approximately 270 councils around the country. The number of councils per geographic area varies; in Massachusetts, there are six Councils. All BSA Councils are part of the National Council which is headquartered in Texas.
The Boy Scouts of America does not operate Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, or Venturing crews. The Scouting program is delivered through civic, faith-based, and educational organizations called chartered organizations, which operate Scouting units to deliver the programs to their youth members, as well as the community at large.
The Charter Organization for Pack 100 is the Westford Rotary Club. The charter organization enters into an annual agreement to provide Scouting in the community and to the youth they seek to serve. In most cases the institution head appoints someone to oversee the Scouting program(s) they charter this position is a Chartered Organization Representative.
Annually the local council enters into an agreement with the chartered organization granting them a charter. This charter enables the organization or group to use the Scouting program under adult leadership they approve of in order to accomplish its objectives and to serve the organization’s youth and families.
Glossary of Cub Scout Organization and Roles:
A small group of Cub Scouts who are in the same grade. The ideal size is 6 to 8 Cub Scouts.
Den Leaders:
An adult, usually a parent, serves as a Den Leader. They carry out the activities related to adventures as they are presented in the Cub Scout’s handbook. Den Leader resources are available online.
The pack is made up of several dens. The make up and size of the pack varies based on local interest and resources. Each pack is identified by a number.
The leader of the pack meeting is the Cubmaster. In addition to serving as the master of ceremonies the Cubmaster provides support to Den Leaders.
Pack Committee:
Made up of parents, leaders, and other caring adults the pack committee works to support den leaders and the cubmaster.
Pack Committee Chair:
The top volunteer in the pack is the Pack Committee Chair. They are responsible for ensuring enough qualified adult volunteers are in place to provide the program. They lead the pack committee meetings.
Chartered Organization:
This is the organization that partners with the Boy Scouts of America to deliver a Scouting program. They adopt Scouting to serve the youth in the community.
Chartered Organization Representative:
This person appoints the Pack Committee Chair and approves all adult leaders. They provide resources from the chartered organization.
All adult leaders will have a background check by the National office and a Massachusetts CORI by the Council office. We encourage all parents and adults in the Pack to complete Youth Protection Training, but it is required for any adult attending an overnight or registering as a leader. Training for each position in Cub Scouting is available on-line or in person when hosted by our Council or District. There are additional training courses available in our local area. Visit for more details.
Youth Protection Training is Mandatory for all Leaders and Volunteers
Log in to If you have not yet done so, create an account. Once you have an account, you can access online training.
A link to YPT will be at the top of the page. Both the BSA and Pack 100 place the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members.
The learning plan for YPT is approximately 72 minutes.
This must be completed every 2 years.
Cub Scouts and BSA Offer Training Based on Role
Position Specific Training requirements - as of January 7, 2019
Go to to choose a learning plan
Position specific training only needs to completed once and does not expire.
We recommend that our adult volunteers complete BALOO training early in their Scout's journey. We need a minimum of one BALOO trained leader for any Pack overnight, and the certification does not expire!
This overnight course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO training consists of an online pre-requisite component in addition to an overnight hands on practical. BSA's Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the discovery of the necessary tools to help units carry our a successful camping experience.
B = BASIC, basic training for new Cub Scout leaders or parents with little or no camping experience.
A = ADULT, the adult training requirement for those planning and participating in your pack’s camping experiences.
L = LEADER, open to all registered leaders, Lion Parent and Leader to Webelos Leader, Cubmaster to Committee Member. And open to interested adults as well.
O = OUTDOOR, tents, Outdoor Ethics, mosquitoes, cooking, campfire program, wood-tools safety, more.
O = ORIENTATION, very basic “how-to” introduction focusing on planning a safe overnight experience for your Pack or den.
Completion of this course is mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack overnighter.
The prerequisite for attending this course is the completion of the online portion of BALOO training available through Scouting U accessed by logging into
Signing Up to Volunteer
Often the challenge is not knowing how to help. For each event there is usually an opportunity to set up and clean up! We can also use help calling or emailing venues to coordinate outings. Any time we have snacks or food, we could use help getting groceries! If you like to craft, we can always use supplies and adults to guide the Scouts. We also welcome ideas from Pack parents for new activities or outings. You do not need to hold a year-long position or leadership role to help the Pack.
As of Fall 2024, we have open positions available in our leadership. We also have several leaders whose child(ren) will be graduating out of the Pack after this season. Please reach out if you can take on one of these roles or shadow the current leader.
Lion and Wolf Den Leader and Assistant - OPEN
Assistant Den Leader Webelos - OPEN
Assistant Cubmaster - OPEN
Assistant Committee Chair - OPEN
Secretary - OPEN
What things are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? What hobbies or skills do you enjoy? Fill out our Family Talent Survey to tell us about yourself and your family.
Dens 2024-25
Lions - Kindergarten
Den 7
Den Leader - TBD
YPT Adult - TBD
Tigers - 1st Grade
Den 1
Den Leader - Patrick Shields
YPT Adult - Jenn Ali
Wolves - 2nd Grade
Den 6
Den Leader - TBD
YPT Adult - TBD
Bears - 3rd Grade
Den 5
Den Leader - Erica Chilson
Registered Adults - Chris Cooper, Joaquin Gargoloff
Webelos - 4th Grade
Den 4
Den Leader - Keith Longwell
Registered Adult - Patrick O'Brien
Arrow Of Light - 5th Grade
Den 2
Den Leader - Poornima Vissamsetti
Den Leader - Karen Andresen
Den 3
Den Leader - Kelley Silva
Registered Adult - Kim Curran
Pack Level Volunteers for Pack 100
Chartered Organizational Representative - Frank Gracia (Westford Rotary)
Cubmaster - Karen Andresen*
Committee Chair - Patrick O'Brien
Treasurer - Joaquin Gargoloff
Awards Chairman - Keith Longwell *
Activity Coordinator - Open position
Popcorn Kernel - Open position
* This person also volunteers to lead at the den level