Cubmobile Trophy Guidelines
Piston Cup History, Engraving and Rotating Information
Piston Cup Trophy History
The Piston Cup Trophy was created in June 2009 by Brice Center.
It is assembled from an old automotive air cleaner, and a real engine piston from a GM 3.9L V6 engine prototype. These were mounted to a trophy base by Crown Trophy in Lowell (cost ~$85).
Yearly Updating the Piston Cup Trophy for new winners
R&R Trophy & Awards, Inc. updates the engraved plaque(s) each year (plaque w/ engraving ~ $15).
Update and provide the engraver the first page of the “Piston Cup Name Plaque.doc” Word file showing the layout of the plaque when updating the engraving. That file is located in the Pack 100 Group files directory as was this file.
If room is available on current plaque template, update file to include current year winner’s Den level (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, AOL), Den Number, Names of participating Scouts in Den and Den Leader Name(s).
If no room is available (every 4 years), move current plaque template onto second page above previous years (chronological order) and copy blank plaque template onto first page. Update the “X” for all 4 years showing.
Please double-check spelling on final plaque.
R&R Trophy & Awards, Inc.
8 Fletcher Street
Chelmsford, MA
(978) 256-0938
E-Mail: sales@
Rotating the Piston on Trophy:
It may be desirable to rotate the piston to face the most recent plaque.
Since the piston is bolted to the black metal mesh of the air cleaner from the inside, you must loosen the knurled nut on top of the mesh and rotate the mesh relative to the base/plaques.
First, by hand, loosen and remove the silver knurled nut that is on top of the air cleaner. Then the black mesh with piston still attached can be rotated relative to the round black plastic base of the air cleaner.
With the nut removed, the mesh and piston can be pulled up and removed from the black plastic base if further maintenance is required. The piston is attached to the metal mesh with stainless steel hex bolts and nuts. The round black plastic air cleaner base is attached to the trophy base with screws.
Trophy Central Text design