
Action Items

Old Business

2020-08-19 - Action Items

  • Budget Review and dues recommendations - Isaac Burk took a look at the budget from past years and looking at average expenditures for key items: Awards, Pinewood Derby and Cubmobile. Those three cost us an estimated $48 per boy so the recommendation is $50 in dues per child. This would be added to the national and council fees. This doesn't include any costs associated with facilities. We'll need something for pinewood derby, hopefully popcorn sales cover that. Any additional activities like our planned stop motion animation night in the spring will require board approval once we understand actual popcorn revenues and any donations to the pack and how that affects pack reserves. REQUIRED ACTION - Need board agreement on the $50 dues for 20-21 or another plan. Committee approved dues for 2020.

  • Popcorn - Dave Bohonak provided us with an email to send out to scout's families and spoke at the pack meeting about popcorn - Separate item in the agenda for follow on.

AI - David to craft an email for 9/27 Follow on.

  • Town wide Recruiting - All actions - This went well. Isaac has created a provisional den in google groups to make sure prospective scouts get pack emails. Follow-on action proposed, update the recruiting run book with what we brought, what we saw and how it went (Ericsson, could you do this?)

  • Flyers for school recruiting - Outstanding and requires immediate resolution - Requires approval superintendent - Email Principals for water bottle rockets (ISAAC) Monday

  • Pack 100 website - Isaac has been putting together a bare bones version, this is where this agenda/soon to be minutes lives

  • Calendar - The current calendar is on this website

  • Reach out to Roundtable - Isaac attended roundtable and checked out their website, no new ideas for meetings noted, we're doing what they are

  • Online resources - Anyone have anything to share?

  • Fletcher Club - reach out and discuss pricing etc. See if they can support Pinewood - What other club/private/public venues can support us?

  • Rotary Club Donations - The Rotary can accept donations on our behalf

SEPT Pack Meeting

  • The kids had a blast. The cone separation went well. Any feedback on the zoom connection.

  • NOTE: we all need to step in when we see something that doesn't look right! 20-20 hindsight, someone should have stepped in when it became apparent he was going to try to jump over a kid. To support the concept an adult could have stepped up or an object could have been found. It's OK to do audibles during meetings even if it slows things down.

  • Action Item - Isaac followed up with Rohan's parents 9/20 - who should we let know at the district/council level that our demonstrator jumped/fell on a child. The child happens to have some relationship with the Sensei. The child is a perspective Scout. The parents were asked to contact us the next day and didn't.

Battleship Cove

  • My correspondence with them has come to reschedule (which I then tried to do, crickets) or since we had to provide them with the list of people in advance, they'll give families credit for a family night, no details on that.

  • Does council have any contacts there? Any help?

Current Business

October Pack Meeting

  • Water Bottle Rockets - Build on Friday (Oct 2/3) virtually and Launch on Saturday in groups (signups? By Den?)

  • By den with a couple of extra flex at fields sat

    • Daina, do you have time? What kind of help do you need?

  • Family Challenge - Daina again?

  • AI - get out list of materials

  • AI confirm baloo trained individual available

AI confirm when baloo available, Base camp?

Nov Pack Meeting

  • Currently scheduled for Medieval Night - Isaac's on the hook for this. Doesn't lend itself to virtual? will need a sanitation crew to make it happen and limit materials to hard cleanable surfaces?

    • Bob, you're the only one with experience on this that I know of, what could work here?

    • Can we do it outdoors?

    • If so switch to Saturday?

  • Move forward with it?

  • Switch to?

    • Halloween

  • Isaac reached out to the health board and they're waiting for state guidance

  • Bike Rodeo

    • Friday night if abbots ok and parking lot looks safe

    • like to have safety officer

  • Do we want to add a costume parade to our calendar? Concept is to have a parade where the kids march around in a loop and families give some sort of affirmation as the child goes by and their parents reward them with the families supply of candy? This could be a fall back in case the state says no trick-or-treating. Other concepts? Send out to pack for volunteers?

  • Pumpkin carving night?

  • Where's the nearest corn maze?

  • Base Camp

  • Scare Crow Building


  • Need the flyer out to schools, Nab & Miller? Or all k-2? Or all 6 grade schools? Send a draft to whom for approval?

  • Other ideas?

  • Have 11 interested, 4 tigers, 4 lions, 2 bears and 1 aol

    • 3 registered

Adult recruiting

  • Daina's offered to put out a signup genius asking for pack level support. If the den's need support, this would be a good place to add what you need. Our dens are the priority, so let's make sure that need is highlighted.

  • Isaac can provide the job descriptions which may also be in the pack google drive.

  • Cubmaster - We need someone willing to take on a title here - Isaac to follow up with our volunteers for assistant last spring and get them doing that job

  • Awards Chairman - We lost our awards chairman when we lost Alison and her whole family - While titled, it could easily be split and then we just need a POC (see opportunities for one split already)

  • Den 1 had a meeting organized by Elana Newman and we have den leaders, Karl Mattson-Boze and David Bohonak, congratulations and welcome.

  • Den (Tigers) - Splitting the den, Poornima and Karen?

    • AI - Get our registration packets for adult leaders

  • Den (Lions) - Several qualified and interested parties - Get a meeting together ASAP


  • Westford has taken a unique approach to school and that approach leaves Wednesday afternoons wide open. Does anyone have any ideas for some programming that would take advantage of the daylight or just the open slot of time? A complimentary and not necessary caveat is does anyone have an interest in running something on Wednesday afternoons?

  • Keith drives past the Woburn Scout Shop a couple of times a week, so he can pickup things for us with some advance planning and a bit of coordination. (Garth is going to train Keith who is going to volunteer, bob creating the contact)

  • Handing out activities recognition in real time at den meetings. Isaac picked up Fur Feathers and Ferns belt loops and as of the writing is planning to give them out at the den meeting today for Den 1

  • Have an amazon movie night with a zoom meeting, just for fun

  • Pack 102 - Has anyone heard anything? Does anyone know the former Cubmaster/Committee Chairman?